Happy Christmas and Seasons Greetings

Sometimes I miss the lights of London during the holiday season. Seeing my children’s face light up as I return with “poppers” for them to open with a bang. More oft, I miss the gentle falling snows on a Christmas Eve, while sitting with my family, before the fire reading the Christmas Story. Rather than [...]

Happy Christmas and Seasons Greetings2017-05-18T13:50:10-07:00

What’s a Promise, Anyway?

I have always wondered why having lots of money didn’t mean much to me. I know it meant much to those around me. And, it was something that was good to have when I needed to take care of a bill. But, the greater part of my thoughts were always directed to what could be [...]

What’s a Promise, Anyway?2017-05-18T13:50:10-07:00

We Hope to Teach Them Well

In part, this message is for each of us who must be called parents. Each who must raise others to become fulfilled in the directions their lives are to undertake. But, it also remains a personal message to my son. I would be pleased to have you receive it as humbly intended. It wasn’t so [...]

We Hope to Teach Them Well2017-05-18T13:50:10-07:00