It’s a Wonderful Life

I wrote to her about that time we went to Paris, stayed at one of those grand hotels that face the Eiffel Tower. About the most amazing day of walking hand in hand. Talking about nonsensical dreams young lovers full of anticipation seem to find so dear. Tired to the bone but not caring. Thinking [...]

It’s a Wonderful Life2017-05-18T13:50:13-07:00

Martial Arts: Art Versus Reality – Part Three

We return to a question of balance in all things. Balance provides what is needed to overcome an aggressor. People of all shapes and sizes from all walks of life have performed fantastic feats well beyond physical limitations when necessary to protect themselves, or their loved ones. Extreme tasks have been performed when called upon [...]

Martial Arts: Art Versus Reality – Part Three2017-05-18T13:50:13-07:00